Sunrise vs Sunset. These are the shots I love to take most. In Sunrise, I will have to wake up very early at least an hour before the first light of the sun appears. The journey to the planned locations normally took about half and hour to reach. All equipments to be used for the shots were prepaired before going to bed in order to minimize mistakes. Once I reached the location, setting up would roughly takes 10 minutes and you will only have about 20 to 30 minute left for the actually shoots because when the sun finally appears, it would be to strong a light to shoot anymore. Clouds in the morning hours are usually very thin and the sky will brightens up very quickly. The nice thing about sunrise shots is that there is no activity in the area surrounding your shots so framing and compositions will be much easier. Most people were still asleep, that includes my wife (no nagging). Sunrise shots tend to be cold in clour temperature so you will get these nice soft, sometimes deep blue depending on the amount of light available.
In Sunset, I normally goes to certain beaches in my area which faces the west so that I can include the sun in the pictures. Sunset shots is the easiest for not much planning were needed. I would just bring along my equipments to work and right after work just scoots to the location on my trusted scooter. I will have plenty of shots by the beach while waiting for the sun to set in roughly 2 hours. The problem with sunset shots were the amount of activities by the beach in the late evening where families with their children and fisherman will patronise beach for their own activities. Framing and composition becomes harder. Sunset shots tend to be on the warm side of the colour temperature so will get orange to red tint for most shots. So which kind of shots do you like, sunrise or sunset? As for me, I like both! By the way, this picture was shot at 6.30 am in tha morning at Kampung Pasir Putih, Pasir Gudang, Johor, Malaysia.
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