This magnificent butterfly image remains as my favourite butterfly shots of all time. It was shot under the bright afternoon sunlight in front of my house while I went back home to fetch my daughter from school. Many people assumed that the afternoon sun is too harsh a light to produce good pictures but not this one. It actually adds to the dreamy and creamy effect to the whole shot. It was also the first time I used the newly bought 55-200mm VR Nikon lens at that time. I zoomed it to 200mm to try to get the butterfly to fit the frame and also for the nice bokeh in the background. Previously I was shooting butterflies with the 18-55mm VR kit lens. It just couldn't produce the results I wanted. The butterflies all seemed to blend into its surrounding due to the depth of field which could not blur out the background. The 55-200mm really started producing incredible shots each time I used it and the VR helped tremendously as I was moving all over chasing butterflies. This image was shot at 1/200 seconds so not fast enough to freeze the wings motion but I am pretty satisfied with the overall picture. If you are planning on shooting butterflies and you know it's going to be there waiting, try to get some colour to the normally plain greenish background with some red clothings or just about anything you can find that is not green and place it somewhere near the surrounding to get some colour for greater effect. What you see in this picture, the red stripes are actually my neighbour's house gate! Happy shooting!

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